case study



Unternehmenswebsite und visuelle Identität

visuelle Identität
Technischer Support


Bpower ist eines der am schnellsten wachsenden Unternehmen in der Photovoltaik-Branche im Westpommerschen Woiwodschaft. Im Rahmen unserer Zusammenarbeit haben wir eine neue Version der Website und der visuellen Identifikation erstellt, da die vorherige Version sowohl visuell als auch technisch hinter den aktuellen Standards zurückblieb.

Projektziel und Herausforderungen.

Das Hauptziel des Projekts war es, eine Webseite zu erstellen, die Bpower als professionelles und vertrauenswürdiges Unternehmen für Photovoltaik-Installation oder Wärmepumpenmontage darstellt. Zusätzlich soll die Webseite die zusätzliche Funktion erfüllen, das Angebot zunächst vorzustellen und interessierte Parteien dazu zu ermutigen, den Verkäufer zu kontaktieren.

Während unserer Analyse des Betriebs von Bpower haben wir die Haupt-Herausforderungen identifiziert, denen sich das Unternehmen gegenübersieht:


  • Geringe Online-Glaubwürdigkeit, fehlendes Angebotsdisplay – Die alte Webseite war nicht responsiv, was Kunden daran hinderte, sie auf mobilen Geräten anzusehen.
  • Keine echten Vorteile der Installation von Photovoltaik-Panels für den Kunden dargestellt.
  • Fehlen einer Echtzeit-Schnellangebotserstellung durch Verkäufer bei Treffen mit Kunden.

Based on a detailed analysis of Bpower’s needs, we proposed specific remedial actions:


  • BPower’s Image: Presenting BPower as a professional and trustworthy company for photovoltaic installation or heat pump assembly. Creation of a slider with past projects carried out by Bpower and adding customer reviews to the website.
  • Full Compatibility: The website is responsive and can be viewed on phones and tablets. Practical Tools for the Client: Creation of a savings calculator, through which the customer can see how much they can save over the years.
  • More Efficient Sales: Creation of an Offer Generator for photovoltaic salespeople. Thanks to this generator, the salesperson is able to create a professional offer tailored to the client’s needs in real-time during meetings with clients.

Updating While Keeping Consistency

The first step was to refresh the company’s logo, transforming it into a vector version. Until now, the client only had a raster format of the logo in a png file. This was essential because the company actively participates in various social campaigns, and their logo appears in newspapers and on leaflets. Without a vector version, the printed logo did not look its best.

During the process of getting to know the brand, as part of refreshing the visual identification, we prepared a new variant of the logo. However, after broader consultations, we concluded that changing the logo at the current stage of the company would be confusing for the audience, so we decided to continue working in line with the original direction. The culmination of our collaboration was also an update of some parts of the visual identification, which now supports the company in its operations.

Mockup of the
new structure

Before starting the website design, it’s a good practice to create a mockup that presents the functional outline and the arrangement of elements on the page. This allows for a focus on ease of use and effective information delivery.

After creating the mockup, we analyzed it together with the client and developed a joint version, which became the basis for the new version of the website.

New design

After receiving the mockup’s approval, our team enters the next stage – designing the new website’s look. Our graphic designer carefully selects the color palette and creates a consistent, attractive design. Once the visual concept is approved by the client, we move on to the coding and implementation stage.

of the website

For the website creation, we chose the WordPress CMS with a custom template designed specifically for this project. Creating websites on our own template, rather than on a template offered, for instance, on ThemeForest, provides us with several key benefits:

  • We can almost perfectly replicate the graphic design onto the website.
  • We have broad possibilities for website optimization, resulting in its lightning-fast loading.
  • The user interface for content input is extremely intuitive.

When creating websites, we always ensure that content addition is as simplified as possible. WordPress has for some time been offering a content management system using blocks. As part of the project, we divided the entire design into separate blocks from which subpages can be assembled like Lego bricks. The screenshot below shows what the editing of the first block on the main page looks like.

Ekran edycji treści na stronie głównej, który pozwala w prosty sposób dodawać zmiany. Podgląd witryny znajduje się po lewej stronie, natomiast interfejs do wpisywania danych znajduje się w prawym pasku bocznym.


One of the intriguing challenges in this project was creating a calculator that calculates the savings resulting from the installation of photovoltaic systems. It allows for a quick understanding of how much money will remain in the investor’s pocket after deciding on the installation.

of the website

A fast website compliant with Core Web Vitals not only improves its position in search results but also ensures a longer user presence on the website. After programming the site, we focused on its optimization to ensure satisfactory performance results in leading analytical services. Thanks to our custom template, even without additional optimization tools, the site achieves very good results. After several minutes of fine-tuning, we achieved a result we are pleased with.

Below we have our optimization result, and on the right side, the result of the old site.

of the website

After completing the programming and thorough testing, we were ready for publication. Upon receiving all access data, we carried out a website replacement during its off-peak hours to avoid causing inconvenience for potential customers.

Care and consultations
after the project completion

After the project was completed, the marketing department of Bpower decided to continue our collaboration. As part of a subscription, we take care of the website and ensure that everything works perfectly. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our WordPress website maintenance service.

Ich bin begeistert von den Fähigkeiten und dem Engagement unseres Webentwicklers-Teams!

Ich bin begeistert von den Fähigkeiten und dem Engagement unseres Webentwicklers-Teams! Wir arbeiten schon seit Jahren zusammen und ich bin immer wieder erstaunt über die kreativen Lösungen und die technische Meisterschaft, die die Front-end Developer von Web Design Talents in jedes Projekt einbringen! Sie verstehen es, unsere Visionen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen und sind stets bereit, über den Tellerrand hinauszudenken. Ich kann das Team ohne zu zögern weiterempfehlen und freue mich auf weitere erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeiten!

Katarzyna Tichnowetzki
Hervorragende Zusammenarbeit

Ausgezeichnete Kooperation. Professionalität im Kundenservice, Engagement für das Projekt und natürlich das Endergebnis – genau wie wir es erwartet haben. Ich empfehle es weiter 🙂

Ola Bendek